Monday, September 15, 2008

I found a website

I really like this one. It has a great big "Zenny" theme to it, but the guy really seems to know what he's talking about. He knows what sounds new age and what doesn't, and it's basically just a kind of "simple living/self-help" kinda website. Cool stuff.

I've been playing with the idea of waking up very early to do things, and I think I'm going to start doing that this week. I'll be waking up at 6:30 every day this week (I already wake up at 7:00, and get out of bed at 7:20 or later) but I think I'm going to actually get up and move this week. I'm going to try to get my homework done nice and early (not) so we'll see how this one works.

I was going to pseudo-fast today, but I got a wonky start waking up late and staying up late. Been eating okay. I want to get into the habit of "grazing" more. I'd rather not buy from the Union so much. School is exhausting, but I guess that's life. That's part of waking up early. I loves me some sleep, but if I get on top of things maybe I'll have time for relaxing/napping later in the day?

Especially if I get a workout going on in the morning. That will be cool if I can get that on track.

I'm seriously going to print out a lot of those pages on the website, pop a squat at Starbucks or Panera (decision pending) read those.

Lesson File done by 8. Literacy done between classes. We'll see how this waking up business suits me. I should have time if all goes according to plan to catch up to my other work.

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