Monday, August 11, 2008

Well that sleep idea was a total bust lol...

I went to a mexican restaurant with Rob. Got the cheap meal, and was adequately satiated :) I'm having trouble finding the correct amount for the foods I ate.

I talked over the likely calorie consumption with Anna, and discovered a trap right away: the corn tortilla shells they serve before the meal at most Mexican restaurants. I probably ate two servings, so that's an easy 320 right there. The salsa typically has nuthin' so I'm not gonna count that.

So my meals today:

  • 200 Taco
  • 600 Burrito
  • 500 Enchilada (rounded up)
  • 300 Tuna sandwich (includes tomato slices, mustard, and a little cheese--I rounded up)
  • 140 Cream of Wheat pack
  • 320 Tortillas
So, total calories is not too bad: 2,060. Not too bad at all really.
I'm not sure how far Rob and I walked at the dam today. I tried to make sure it was uphill and brisk for most of it. I'd guess we walked at least a mile. I know we walked for a solid half-hour.
I think it's fair to call it 2.5 mph for a half-hour. It was sloppy but I'd agree with it.

I'm going to walk briskly to my mom's in about a half hour here. 3.5 miles. I'm going to try to get there in 40 minutes. So the amount of walking I will have done, with my incredible math skills and eyeballing my calorie-burned counter site, will be 500 calories.

So here's the run down:

  • 2585 for Maintenance
  • 2060 consumed today
  • 500 burned through activity.
  • -1025 Calorie deficit. Wow, is that right? (Ms. Taylor?)
That makes it deceptively easy to lose a pound a week at my weight! Sheesh...

Better mark this on the calendar now--On August 22nd I reassess my BMR to see if my weight will change.

I also need to get more nutrients. The meat n' cheese n' bread diet is not a good one.
I also need to drink much more water.

Fun fact: streaming of all events whether they get TV support or not! I've been watching women's foil. Don't tell anyone.

Lastly, on August 16th I'm going to assess how much of a deficit I've created to see if I should have lost a pound or not.

This is kind of fun when I'm the one keeping track. I should come up with an Outlook Express journal or something like that.

For Monday, I'm not going to get a lot of sleep, but think I'm going to go run with Eric and Anna (grumble grumble) I'm going to insist that they not wait for me. I think that will be a good time to start calisthenics too. I'm also going to bring my mp3 player with a different set of headphones and see how it grabs me. I'm going to keep track of the song-length and just keep a playlist going.


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