Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Rough Night
My feet are singing to me today--I know its' because I bruised them up a little running in poor shoes. I'm going to go to a shoe store this week and get fixed up. My hips aren't too happy with me right now, and my left knee shoots a pain up my leg to let me know it's still there. It gets jealous if I get too happy about the state of my hips.
I think I might have to hit the bikes tonight. That's too bad, because I really would rather run. I'm starting to enjoy running a lot now that I can see progress. It felt really awesome to run around the rec track last night and realize that I had just run a mile no problem. I would have been ready to die last semester. Naturally that's due to some physiological changes, but psychologically I feel a lot more purpose-driven in my running. Combined with the fact that with PRACTICE I feel I have a much better running technique, and know how hard to push myself to burn X amount of calories, I am certainly getting better at running.
I'm curious about how much I weigh. Also, I found out how extremely extremely important it is to be hydrated like all the time.
Okay, I'm starving,
have fun.
P.S. here's a cool fact: it really is harder to run in the grass than on the street! The grass absorbs your body's impact but there is a lot occuring biomechanically in order for you to compensate--if my physics are remotely correct, it's like this: you're putting force into an absorbent surface. In a street, the force is pushed right back at you: the energy to direct the leg back skyward is immediately bounced back--with grass or sand, you compensate.
In Nike and other shoe-company labs, the aim is to find a shoe with the perfect balance of absorption and comfort. That's probably why I feel slower in extremly soft/comfy shoes. Are court shoes more or less absorbant than running shoes? This is the wrong blog for that question, but it matters to my training, so we'll see where it goes.
k, bye bye
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
So I joined an Ultimate Frisbee team
Supposedly it's for a more academic purpose, but I've always wanted to play the game competitively, so this should be a blast. Games will be Tuesday or Wednesday nights.
Coupled with my run, I should be burning a ton of calories.
I have plans to run with Anna tonight at night. I think we're gonna run by the pond. My hips are feeling 'nervy,' so we'll see how I do. I think this week I better get to a shoe store and get a GOOD pair of shoes. The assics were nice, but I just realized they're about 7 months old and have certainly gotten their use.
I don't think I can underscore enough how important it is to have a support for your health. Anna asked if we could eat tacos. I desperately want tacos, but we both have an understanding of how important eating well is. Sometimes we have to learn how not to step on each other's toes when it comes to this little project of mine (my weight loss, her utter healthfulness), but I would be at Taco Bell right now eating a cheesy bean and rice burrito thinking it has plenty of nutrients as long as I play badminton for 20 minutes twice a week* if she wasn't there to tell me what "nutrient-dense" means every once in awhile.
Hey Anna, here's one for you-- nutrient dense--adj. "when someone makes a poor decision regarding food out of ignorance or stupidity." e.g. "Nachos with extra sour cream? Don't be so nutrient dense!"
Zing? ha ha? damn that was bad... I blame Anna's father...
So tonight it's steamed veggies (we ate all the broccoli, oh noes! At least I know we eat it a lot, so there's a 'power food' that we can gobble up), brown rice, and garbonzo beans. That's a healthy-sounding dinner, so I'm pumped. That's right, I'm pumped. It may be a fallacy, but I love healthy dinners because it usually means I can eat a metric shit-ton without feeling too bad. I'm sure that's not 100% accurate, but I can eat just about anything for hours. I'm starving right now because I'm talking about it so much, I think.
We may yet get tacos. But if we eat, i'm sure we'll get less. I may have to do an impromptu inventory of my calorie consumption. Cuz if I go, man oh man, it won't be pretty lol.
Kind of tired. I felt like running in the middle of the day today but I thought I should wait to invite someone who I know I could drag along. Which is funny because 51% of the time I prefer to work out by myself. I'm wondering if I should have run anyway and then run again tonight? I don't want to kill myself/get hurt, so I think this is probably best.
Note to self--if the rec is still open when we run, I need to weigh myself.
I'm still so tired. I'm trying to get to bed before 1am. I think I may need to make it even earlier. Anna has a much later schedule than me, so I'm going to try not to bludgeon the alarm clock for a full hour from now on. This goes along with the "stepping on toes" thing, as sleep is definitely an integral part of health. I also think I'm recovering from the first day of school.
Okay, I've yakked enough, time for dinner. Stay tuned
*this is about the state of health education in our schools today folks.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Good start
I'm going to go shower, probably not ice my knee, and pass out. Or stay up, who knows.
Actually I do feel pretty accomplished. Hopefully this will become a routine. My goal is to do at least this much work every day. It's going to suck when my body weight starts to get healthy--then I'll have to maintain it!
But seriously, I done good today I think. Only a half hour workout, but it was certainly vigorous. My goal is to destroy my calories mercilessly, and eat just slightly less heartily. If Anna makes me pasta dinners all the time, that would serve my purposes nicely.
Sidenote: I think protein (nuts, eggs, pb) gets me going more quickly than fruits/veggies. Less burpy anyway.
Okay, I'm nauseating myself with my own shoe-smell, so I'm outty.
School Begins This Week!
This weekend I totally botched any semblance of good diet, complete with a Chinese buffet--bad Matt, bad!
Oh well, I'll have my check, and if it turns out I wasn't kidding about not eating out all the time, then I should be able to make very good choices with my diet.
I got a sense of two things the last part of this week: 1) "Bad" diets are really out of habit, culture or level of 'enabling' moreso than anything else and 2) I'm discovering a little more thoroughly what it means for a high cal/high fat food to be "worth it" to me. Cheap doesn't really cut it anymore, and while Chinese buffets are delicious, I don't think it's really worth the calories-- Anna and I have a good idea of how to share meals, so we may be better at that when we go out.
I'm also trying to learn to say no to food. It's easier to turn down ice cream. Now if I can just turn down 'seconds' I'll be okay.
Anyway, the rec is open to me tomorrow! So my regimen of blitzing myself with a high dose of aerobic workouts begins! Hopefully with the lack of sleep I'm getting I'll be okay! I know I'll need better sleep if I'm going to do that though. Ah well, first day of school and all that.
I'm also going to weigh myself at the Rec before I workout, and post the results here. I'm also going to record calorie intake for Monday and Tuesday, just to get a feel for my diet again.
Anna needs to show me how to do that equation thing where I figure out my Recommended Calorie Expenditure for the next two weeks.
Whew, 7:20 comes early everyone, night!
Friday, August 22, 2008
It's weird, I'm fighting being proud of that because I don't want to stop. A strange part of my psyche is placated with praise.
Anyway, going to Put-In Bay with Anna today. Should be a lot of walking or riding bikes. So yay.
Trying to eat well today, we'll see. I'll at least try to be a bit smart. Maybe if we share entrees we can eat FOUR meals instead of two? Yeah? eh? eh?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
On Saturday I'm going to recalibrate my diet and work-out schedule. I'm considering purging on the treadmills at the Rec, but that's probably a dangerous thought.
I don't feel like I truly have a workout routine right now. I'm just trying to sort of make healthy choices where I can. I suppose that's a good way to look at it.
I realized that I'm really attached to my identity as an athlete. If I'm training for something, I feel like I need to be going hardcore. I dunno, I need to really re-think my lifestyle I think. I've been wearing the same clothes for years, and laundry is tough without cash. It's amazing how much even that affects your willingness to workout.
I watched the men's semi-finals bout against Russia. That was absolutely incredible. Probably the most exciting sports event I've ever seen. It made me want to fence too. I'm not touching a blade until I hit 210. I don't know if I'm setting myself up for an unfair situation or an impossible situation, but I want to get to 210 just to have that health. We'll see where the fencing takes me. If I hit 210, I might have the energy to do all the things I need to do to maintain a sports hobby of my awkward tastes.
I find it's more helpful to count calories every couple of days. I think I can sense when my diet misfires, so I don't think obsessively keeping notes is necessary. I think I know when I hit 2,000 calories or not. So far I've had about 600-700 with breakfast and lunch, so I've got some good room still :)
I'm going to go for a walk now--I should run today. We'll see if I get myself motivated to do it. I got really attached to my Mp3 player, and now I don't know where I put it! Hopefully that won't affect my running too negatively. I ran 2 miles the other day, sans ear buds, so sometimes the headphones aren't necessary.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Haven't been keeping up with this blog
I'm back in Toledo with Anna. We've been eating out a fair amount, but even then we have been pretty good about being mindful of portions and sharing food and what not.
I've run twice this week--I hit a two mile run pretty quick. It almost killed me but I did it--I think I can stay at that level. I'm going to try to rope Anna into running with me tomorrow. I'm calling moving a workout too. I have to have burned a few hundred today by moving alone.
We were a little off today emotionally--I think moving and stress of school coming up may be getting to us. I just wasn't very skillful in a lot of situations today--it's really interesting how that affects my mood. In response to a little spat we had, I went downstairs and ate some left-overs. That was weird, it was like clock-work. I'd been wanting an excuse (another red flag? an excuse to eat?) to eat some bbq grilled chicken down stairs. After our little tiff, I helped myself. Um, I cut back on the potatoes?
Anyway, I think I hit my 3500 deficit for the week but I'm not really sure. I know I've lost a few pounds just from a change in diet and moving/running this week. I'm going to try to maintain this lifestyle throughout.
I'm trying to get into the habit (emotional eating aside) of "Eating to Live" rather than "Living to Eat." I had some dessert today, and I think I'm really going to try to get kids sizes or nothing at all from now on. Anna and I shared a portion of food today at Max & Erma's and it was perfect. I like this.
I'm looking forward to sharing a home with a health-nut like Anna. I'm getting better at just passing over cravings and trying to workout--I know I'm new to the scene again but I feel good. I just want to keep going.
Keeth Smart is my new hero.
I watched Keeth Smart comeback from a 10 touch deficit to win against the Russians 45 to 44 in Sabre tonight. It might be the best sports event I've ever seen.
It made me miss fencing a little bit dammit. I'm waiting until I hit 210. Not a pound before. I made a commitment to my health first. That's gotta be there before hurt myself doing something my body is not ready to do well.
More thorough documentation of diet and exercise to come :)
good night
Monday, August 11, 2008
Well that sleep idea was a total bust lol...
I talked over the likely calorie consumption with Anna, and discovered a trap right away: the corn tortilla shells they serve before the meal at most Mexican restaurants. I probably ate two servings, so that's an easy 320 right there. The salsa typically has nuthin' so I'm not gonna count that.
So my meals today:
- 200 Taco
- 600 Burrito
- 500 Enchilada (rounded up)
- 300 Tuna sandwich (includes tomato slices, mustard, and a little cheese--I rounded up)
- 140 Cream of Wheat pack
- 320 Tortillas
I'm not sure how far Rob and I walked at the dam today. I tried to make sure it was uphill and brisk for most of it. I'd guess we walked at least a mile. I know we walked for a solid half-hour.
I think it's fair to call it 2.5 mph for a half-hour. It was sloppy but I'd agree with it.
I'm going to walk briskly to my mom's in about a half hour here. 3.5 miles. I'm going to try to get there in 40 minutes. So the amount of walking I will have done, with my incredible math skills and eyeballing my calorie-burned counter site, will be 500 calories.
So here's the run down:
- 2585 for Maintenance
- 2060 consumed today
- 500 burned through activity.
- -1025 Calorie deficit. Wow, is that right? (Ms. Taylor?)
Better mark this on the calendar now--On August 22nd I reassess my BMR to see if my weight will change.
I also need to get more nutrients. The meat n' cheese n' bread diet is not a good one.
I also need to drink much more water.
Fun fact: streaming of all events whether they get TV support or not! I've been watching women's foil. Don't tell anyone.
Lastly, on August 16th I'm going to assess how much of a deficit I've created to see if I should have lost a pound or not.
This is kind of fun when I'm the one keeping track. I should come up with an Outlook Express journal or something like that.
For Monday, I'm not going to get a lot of sleep, but think I'm going to go run with Eric and Anna (grumble grumble) I'm going to insist that they not wait for me. I think that will be a good time to start calisthenics too. I'm also going to bring my mp3 player with a different set of headphones and see how it grabs me. I'm going to keep track of the song-length and just keep a playlist going.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Wish me luck
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Not a Bad Calorie Day
- 120 two slices of toast
- 50 for jelly
- 133 2 sausage links
- 120 two slices of bread
- 100 for most of a can of tuna
- 45 for mustard and 2 tomato slices
- 140 for one pack of Cream of Wheat Peaches n' Cream
- 740 for a footlong Subway roast chicken with provolone and fat free honey mustard
- 150 biscuits
- 60 (?) for a 'big heap of canned spinach"
- 279 cup and a half of brown rice long grain (i'm guessing?)
- 100 1 ladle of bean soup (made with a few chunks of bacon so i'm padding that one up...)
Total Calories: 2037, about 450-500 less than what Ms. Taylor recommended.
I didn't count coffee or diet Pepsi, but I think today was a successful nutrition day. I think I'm going to try to hit 2,000 daily, which is straight off the food labels so that should be good for me :) I didn't go for a walk or a run today, just too damn tired. I stayed up this late and now I'm going to go pass out.
Hit 2,000 or less, do the run/walk thing with calisthenics.
Packing should add some calories burned, but I'm not going to count it.
Also, I started counting like this on Saturday, so I'm going to try to record my diet like this from Saturday to Friday.
I'm going to try to log my calories burned from Sat-Fri as well.
2585 Recommended calorie intake for weight maintenance
2037 Calories consumed
0 Calories burned through exercise
Caffeine does not equal REM...
If I'm going to lose a pound a week I need to consume/burn 3500 calories less than I do right now.
Turns out I weigh more like 250. So I put in that weight at the following website:
And if I run at 5 mph for 20 minutes, I burn 320 calories
If I walk at 3mph for 40 minutes, I burn 330 calories
TOTAL: 650 calories. (730)
Edit: Weightlifting in general for 15 minutes equals about 90 calories. So if I include calisthenics it should tack on another 80-90 calories, for a total of 730 calories minimum!
If I do that 5.38 days a week, I'll have burned 3,500 calories. Now I have to burn 3,500 calories more than I take in to lose a pound a week. So I guess I'd have to know how many calories I burn in every day activities eh?
according to this website, I should consume 3,246 calories a day to maintain my weight, considering myself sedentary right now. If I create a deficit of 3,500 by week's end, I'll lose a pound.
So I should be eating 22,722 calories a week to maintain my weight. Eating 19,222 calories a week should be no problem. That translates to 2,700 calories a day thereabouts. I tend to eat less than that, or so I thought--maybe I'm extraordinarily inactive? I'm going to give myself two weeks and then reassess my lifestyle and weight. If I eat below 2,000 a day I can lose 1.5 lbs a week, but I think I should be smart and just try to be as active as possible. After all, I want to enjoy food.
My official goal is to eat 2,400 calories a day, with a maximum allowance of 2,700. I will try to eat below 2,400, but only if the day's meals were particularly nutrient dense (i.e. low-fat, high fiber, fruits and veggies, no processed foods). This should get me started losing weight through diet alone. If I do the prescribed workout 6 days a week, I will burn more than 3,500 calories a week. My desire to do any more complex math than this has waned, so I'll be satisfied with that assessment.
It will be very important to burn the appropriate amount of calories along with the healthy diet. I'm going to try to maintain other areas of my life as well: If I'm organized and not sleep-deprived, I tend to be more willing to be physically active.
When did I become reluctant to get sweaty? I need to prepare to be active, with clothes and a gym bag and such--THAT'S WHAT I NEED! A GYM BAG!
I got very strange sleep the past few days. I got 7 hours in the evening last night, so I'm going to stay awake today and try to have a good day. I'll see if I'm up for running, but I'm definitely going to put some mileage on my feet.
I'm trying to own this. That's so important. I need to own it. I saw a post on Bullshido--someone said "hey man, you look good, what have you been up to?" The guy just replied, "started working out again, eating right." Not hard, you just have to be conscious.
I need a good symbol to remind me how to live well. Not Livestrong. That's been done. For some reason I was never a huge fan of Lance. Funny how doping allegations can do that. That's really not fair either, he's a cool guy.
Time for some coffee! And a good breakfast I hope! We'll see what Dad has to offer...
Friday, August 8, 2008
Good Morning!
Ham and potatoes and green beans so far. Lots of potatoes, not a lot of ham. A good amount of calories, and that was breakfast.
I'll probably have cereal for lunch.
--time for cleaning and shower.
I have some money, so I can afford healthy food! Yay!
Good night!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Up at a much more decent time--hopefully not killed by a nap
I'm going to be in bed at a decent time if I can tonight. I still feel tired enough. Maybe I just need to give up air conditioning.
Anyway: I don't know how helpful it will be to plan my meals--I think it's probably more useful to just keep a tally of what I eat, and critique my eating at the end of a three day period.
Tomorrow will also be a 20 minute run, followed by Push-ups, Crunches, and Squats.
Those are going to be basic conditioning exercises.
To what end? I'll be playing badminton as much as I can. I'm considering fencing again. I'd like to fence in Columbus. Maybe I can pay Vladimir a visit... Of course I should just be freakin' healthy. Oh yeah, there's soccer too.
Okay, I need some solid goals. Here goes:
Right now I believe I'm 246. Down to 210, a pound a week--36 weeks. That's 210 by the school year's end. 210 in April. Could I do it before? That might be dangerous. I think I should workout hardcore though. Really slam myself with aerobics. That's actually not as dangerous as it sounds, as long as I don't hurt myself.
For tomorrow:
- 20 minute morning run
- Basic calisthenics
- Good nutrition--if we go to Cici's, eat plenty of salad and pasta.
- In bed by 1am
- Wake up at 8am at the most. I'm afraid if I say this I'll wait till 8:30, so we'll see about this one.
- Get workout clothes ready for use
- Figure out where I'm going to be for the weekend
- Pack for BG
- Figure out when I'm going to workout when I get to Toledo.
- Feed those doggies
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I'm up at a decent time today
August 8th. Today and tomorrow I'm going to lay out the battle plan.
210. Badminton. Fencing. I get to 210 I can do anything.