Saturday, September 13, 2008

Whew, 14 hours of sleep. Mex-ee-can, and feeling a little better. Trying to get rid of the crud. Can't quite shake it yet, probably won't for a couple of weeks. I don't get sick a lot but it takes years for me to get over one.

Should start running tomorrow again. No, I still don't know how much I weigh, but to go off of feeling and how I look like how we health professionals and everyone are supposed to, then I need to get back on the horse.

Had an interesting conversation with Anna about how people can be in the fields we are in and not be the epitome of health given our knowledge. I think that speaks to the affective domain of education, the one that is most often over looked or thought of after the fact. It's one thing to know how the thing is done, it's quite another to feel that you want to.

Everyone wants to win--not everyone has the will to suffer to win.

Anyway, off to imbibe massive amounts of either coffee or diet pepsi, haven't decided yet. Current pipe/day dream of the day: cleaning up my bedroom for actual use today. We'll see.

I feel like shit.


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