Sunday, September 28, 2008

Prepping for Sunday

Ugh, It's almost 4:00am. Sunday has gotta be "get my shit together" day. This is turning into a journal more than a health blog. It's affecting my health. Also, I'm sick.

Fuck all around, ya?

Sunday will be a good day. There will be tea. Lots and lots of tea. I'll edit this entry/repost the bottom half tomorrow as a review. I'm not addicted to int4rw3bz.

For Sunday:

10:15--Wake, zazen, breakfast, clean room.

At noon:
  1. Motor Learning Study (Notecards)
  2. Motor Development Interview/Written Product
  3. Organize High School Methods Folder
  4. Study for Biomechanics Quiz
That looks like it's doable in an 8-hour time-frame, ya?

Also, I'm going to try an experiment. I'm going to do this all as silently and media-free as possible. Compassionate communication with those around me, but AIM and music only for breaks. Not even trippy flute music, and I'm not going to light incense--I'm not going to assault the ears or the eyes or the nose tomorrow. So, "pure, mindful work" is the order of the day.

Your quote for the day:
"How wonderful!
How wonderful!
All beings are perfect,
exactly as they are!"
--the Buddha

With a little luck I'll have time for some fun.

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