Sunday, January 24, 2010

Fencing Training begun in earnest today.

Good on me.
First serious workout of the new year.
5 advance and retreat sprints—just me going 3 advances and 3 retreats as fast as I can. (Wanted to do more but goddamn I’m out of practice) 30 second sprints with 30 second rest.

10 lunges
A little bit of footwork to just work on form

Toe taps/Heel taps—each set, 1 minute and 30 second rest in between

Crunches (3 sets of 10 for each side, 90 total)
10 pushups (shoulder clicking/hurting—gotta be careful)

10 lunges recover forward
10 lunges recover backward
About 15 minutes of walking/running—I ran a mile once I figured out the treadmill.

No bladework tonight. Ingrown toenails bothering me as well. Ugh. .

Ah well, good first night! ISU practice tomorrow night. Not sure how that’s gonna go. Gonna run at any rate. Haven’t decided if I’m walking to work or not yet.


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