Wednesday, December 16, 2009

No-sleep binge, where I talk like a schizo.

So Anna's out of town, which apparently means I stay up way later than I'm supposed to. I'm getting a lot of chess playing in, but I'm still not sure the sleep sacrifice is worth it...

...okay, I KNOW it's not worth it, but man what the hell am I doing?

Anyway, today I way 222 still, plus or minus a pound, depending on the day. Shouldnt' focus on the weight TOO much, but I do feel like this is "my" weight when I don't exercise. Now that I'm carless, I walk 2 miles to and from work every day. For a 220 pound guy walking 4 miles at about 13 minutes a mile will net me about 460 calories burned a day. 5 days of work is 2200 calories a week. If I walk 4 miles a day, 7 days a week, I will burn 3120 calories.

2700 Calories burned a week is considered optimal for someone weightin 220 lbs.

Now, this is getting ahead of myself. I need to factor in diet as well as physical activity. A few things:

  • Congrats, the physical activity will certainly be helpful in your quest to shed pounds. 3500 less than you NORMALLY consume/expend will lose you 1 pound a week. However, there are other activities you could be doing besides the walking to help you LOSE that weight.
  • Smaller or different portions at Panera.... after a visit to the website, 1 whole grain baguette portion is 190 calories. Mayonnaise on the sandwich is 110, cheese is probably 90, and a cup of Creamy Tomato is 300.... I hate to admit it, but I think I know exactly where I need to cut down on what I eat. Fat-free mayo, spicy mustard is okay, no cheese on the sandwich, and only 1 baguette with the soup will cut 280 calories outright. Mediterranean veggie will cut about 200 more. Tomato soup once a week! Low-fat the other days.
  • I snack/eat late at night for some reason. I always want a quesadilla at about 11:30 at night. Maybe if I plan for a late-night snack I can avoid this one.
  • Use the bike at the workout center. Yes, it's cold as balls. Yes, it may be occupied, but it counts your progress and you like using it.
  • Try some anaerobics at home. You have the apartment to yourself for a few weeks, experiment with home-workouts. Maybe a house-hold routine is very good--who knows, a situation where you and Anna take turns using the bedroom or living room for working out could be optimal. Now is a good time to figure out the furniture situation.
  • Do fencing and badminton/racquetball you crazy.

So, do I have a plan? No, but I'm glad we had this chat....

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