Sunday, August 30, 2009

Does Facebook Poker count as "Screen Time?"

Walked briskly for an hour through Illinois' Constitution Trail. Very cool place. Jogged for about 6 minutes of it. Much tougher than the last time I tried this! Gotta start doing it more.

I've been slapped with a very disturbing fit of depression. It's strange. It seems to have no source, other than I feel that I have removed many anchors from my life, and now I seem to be floating. Mental health and Physical health are both at risk here.

I have been eating fairly well, I'm losing weight again, which seems to be good. With the exception of an occasional sweet I seem to be eating extremly well, actually.

I need a lot less screen time. I'm working on it. Today was not a lot of screen time, comparatively, and it seemed to work out well.

I'm officially in Bloomington/Normal, so I need to check out the fencing club, and the Zen group.

Have fun

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